Monday, November 13, 2006


Jamie Bourdon reaches out from the depths of internet hell to write:

dear jenni,

why do you document my "reality" with the worst pictures of me in existence?

also, you can put chanel on a pig. doesn't make it cute.



Well, Jamie, this is a cheap shot, but are there other kinds of pictures of you? If so, sir, I challenge you to produce them. Given my journalistic tendency towards fair and balanced reporting, I will publish them here, in this public forum. Don't try and send any photoshopped images of Bright Eyes or baby kittens. I'm not blind!

In the meantime, I leave you with...

Jamie, I am sure that you are somehow responsible for this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jamie lives!

And that's a fat, fat horse, but it looks like it still has strong muscles to destroy whoever is indeed responsible for its fatness.