Monday, September 25, 2006

Sidenote to Jamie Bourdon,

Dear Jamie,

I'll have you know that lots of people read my blog. I wrote the URL on my Columbia business cards. Yes, Jamie, I have business cards. This is because I am a professional-in-training and someday I'll be either 1) rich or 2) making the world a better place. What do you do, Jamie? Play online poker? That's noble, sir. Real, real noble.

I hate you.



jamie said...

to the reader:

one might find it curious that jenni does not write a new entry until i have left a comment for the previous entry.

this is just speculation, obviously, but it does not seem far-fetched to assume that this would indicate an unhealthy obsession with yours truly, if this very blog itself were not evidence enough.

cry for attention, etc., etc.

and to kei, specifically:

i met you like once, whatever.

and to jenni:

now that your cover is blown, tell everyone how you really feel.

love always,

Anonymous said...

hi jamie, i remember meeting you once at some house in grinnell. you printed a couple of my photographs in the review. thanks again! actually, i think that's exactly what i said to you when i met you. good luck with poker!

hi jenni, i like your blogs. this one has a unique theme and i especially like the dialogue that goes on between your posts and jamie's comments. i always look forward to your posts on both blogs!

jamie said...

dear kei,

i remember that, too. your photos were quite good, as i recall. i also remember that you reminded me of jenni, only nicer.

dear jenni,

why can't you be more like kei?


Anonymous said...

acctually, jenni and i are twinz. we not only share similar appearances but interests as well. and in fact, jenni is my role model in that she attends columbia's j-school and she is the founding genius-editor of the most anticipated magazine in the history of journalism, Teen ArtForum. (sadly, i do not believe my pictures will be featured, for i am well beyond my teenage years.) who wouldn't look up to her?

my comments will continue in the comments section for yesterday's post, since they are more relevant there.

see you guys there~