Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Here's a photo of Yuki from Kei Hotoda (I've left it lying horizontally, as submitted, to preserve authorial intent).

Monday, February 05, 2007

This submission comes from pretty reader, Marti Palermo:

The caption reads: Crazed Asian tourist takes multiple digital photos of expensive toy dogs near historic Tokyo shrine.

The photo, taken during October of 2005, reminds the editor of this blog that she is in desperate need of a haircut (see recent purikura photos of Kei to further drive home the point).

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Over the last few years, dog science has progressed rapidly-- faster, almost, than the speed of human imagination. May I present to you:

Bird dog!

Dog gundam! (I love that they made two different outlines for the tail, you know, for mechanical wagging and whatnot.)

DOG SALARYMAN! I'm glad that this dual-species-hybrid has assimilated into modern society and is earning an honest wage for himself.

And then, of course, there's Snuppy. Who isn't that cute and doesn't get a photo shout-out here.